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Intelligence that delivers cost-effective pathways to net-zero emissions in 2050.

Low Carbon and Transition Risk

There is growing urgency for energy transition and carbon neutrality. This is the year to transform momentum into accelerated transition action.


The Decarbonization Economy will provide, consistent opportunities and growth potential. As this accelerates, companies that do not incorporate transition and physical risks into their business models, corporate strategies and value chains will potentially expose themselves to business disruption, loss, damage, and stranded assets. Investors' risk models may be incomplete and default probabilities inaccurate leaving them exposed to losses and lower capital adequacy buffers.


How we can help

Net Zero and Science-Based Carbon Targets
Clean Energy and Technology
  • Net zero transition pathways analysis and target setting

  • Science-based, Paris 1.5C pathways analysis and target setting (SBTi, ACT)

  • Measurements of progress against decarbonization goals

  • Supply and value chain decarbonization strategies (Scope 3, PCAF)

  • Evaluating low-emission process alternatives and equipment/ technology selection trade-off studies

  • Renewable energy procurement/ PPA negotiation

Carbon Measurement and Accounting
  • Greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories - Scope 1, 2 and 3

  • Energy and GHG emission maps and models

  • GHG abatement assessments and decarbonization studies

  • Life-cycle assessments (LCA) of products, processes or services

  • Climate-related financial accounting and reporting (IFRS)

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